
Monster Type Festival: King of the Island from on September 14th, 2023
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Skip any URs you don't have. None of them are crucial. You can play a third Small World, Jack-in-the-Hand or Where Arf Thou. I trimmed Small World down to two because you don't want to see two in a deck that you want to kill immediately.

Change of Heart on Zoos did come up. I hate Where Arf Thou without a good normal summon. Jack in the Hand is probably fine, but if you choose second, your opponent Nightingales and activates it and you can't imperm/droplet it, they will survive and get to use the bird they get. Same for going first, so many mirrors that giving them a relevant bird is a risk. I won a game by using a Sparrow my opponent let me take.

I like the pair of Fraktall. It's either a combo piece with Canary or Warbler, or you normal it to make Ferrijit or Shuriag. You can play DDL but I only ever wanted to summon another bird from hand with Ferrijit.

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