
Ritual Festival from on November 15th, 2023
cp-ur 270 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Powerful. Adaptive. Plays on your Opponent's Turn. Everything you Need.


Megalith is a strong and affordable option for the ritual event, Aaratron being the only in-archetype SR, run comfortably at two. With this build I was able to max out the event in 1 & 1/2 days, and with some familiarity, so might you.

Key Notes / Ratio Reasonings:

  • Extra Deck: You only need 1 Arc Light, 1+ Dyna Mondo, and 1 Nephthys. Rest is optional filler. Try to run 15 incase your opponent is on Alba Zoa.
  • 2 Lava Golems: Megalith is consistant enough to not need it's turn one normal. Obviously it helps, but I'd often prefer the benefit of turning off my opponent's board. If you don't want to give up the normal, run a couple Gameceil instead. Feel free to tribute it off to summon a Megalith, or even use Unformed to get Ophiel from deck.
  • Impactation Ratios: Addressing the elephant in the room, no, I don't think Candoll or the impcan. ritual spell should be included in a pure Megalith list. Candoll needs a ritual in hand otherwise its a dead card, as we would not be running any due to Megalith's gimmick, it becomes far too bricky. Instead, I choose to run doulbe Talismanda.
  • 5 (7) Normals Summons?: Diviner, Senju, & triple Manju are more than enough to comfortably see a normal summon on your opening draw. As we sometimes don't even need it, the Occassional Lava Golem can be great to. If you find that to be overkill, feel free to replace a few with more handtraps.

Matchup Notes:

  • Nouvelles: Honestly, one of the harder matchups. A good Ash / Lava Golem stops them cold. When that's not an option, I've found the best way to deal with them is honestly to summon spam as many bodies onto the field as possible. Keep trying to target/crash into their cascading dudes until they get to the level 5/6's and let them field nuke. After, try to build up your board and field to nuke them back on the next turn using Phul/Emergence, and Bethor, etc.
  • Mikanko: Going first, set up Phul, Emergence, and one to two more bodies. They will Lava Golem / Kaiju you. Use Emergence to bring back Phul. Use Phul to summon Bethor to wipe their back row. Going second, they're bad. Just win.
  • Blue-Eyes: Jet is the only hurdle for Megalith. Tribute it, Dyna, or scoop.
  • Rescue-Ace: Do whatever you can to get to Nephthys. When made using 3 rituals it becomes a 4800 untargetable, unkillable beatstick. Unless they draw a Kaiju they are unable to deal with it.
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