
Top 4 in Dkayed The Perfect Banlist Meme Tournament#28 from on September 21st, 2023
cp-ur 1260 + cp-sr 180
50 cards

Notes & Combos

The idea behind this deck is you always choose to go 2nd. Everything in the deck other than the Scareclaw cards are to eat up your opponents field. Every scareclaw card is a one card combo so as long as you open a name, you normal that last and then pop off.

Light-Heart and Tri-Heart are both soft once per turns so you have ample opportunities to eat your opponents Ash.

The secret sauce to this deck are the E-Con's. I can't tell you how many times I've used them to both dodge a targeting effect and suck up the opponents monster. This card puts in work. I even used the change battle position effect in a recent duel to put three defense monsters on the field to pop a TCBOO with Reichphobia.

The best part is, this deck is gonna get better once (full) Kash comes out with Fenrir searching Scarclaw Kash. Then if we get Vicious Astraloud, you won't need to be reliant on OTK'ing with Tri-Heart, Accesscode + Astraloud = 8300+ damage!

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Duelist ID: 853-666-006

7/27/23 4:09:33pm EST