Notes & Combos
Most of the Extra Deck never comes up. Usually it's just Prima Donna, Gymir, Chengying, occasionally Dragite/White Aura Whale/Accel Stardust. Repetiteur is only for Synchro Overtake. Rest of the ED basically doesn't matter.
The most important thing is to get to Aegirine, she gets you to the rest of the Icejade cards. Diva into Prima Donna, Cradle, or Manifestation can get you to Aegirine. Aim to set up Gymir + Erosion, or Gymir + Curse lock if you had a very good hand. If you have Diva, try to bait Ash somehow before you normal summon her because without sharks or Atlanetans, a negated Diva normal summon hurts, it's basically a turn ender 9/10 times.