
Synchro Festival from on June 19th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 510
45 cards

Notes & Combos

This 5 winstreak was NOT streamed live at twitch.tv/unnicknamed due to constant power outages :^(

Blind Second Brosenjus. I don't think they need an explanation.

Guldfaxe is a Level 4 Tuner with decent stats that Special Summons itself if your opponent has a Synchro and you have no monsters. It's also a horse! Definitely an amazing card for this event, you should give it a lick. #nordicsweep

My loss was due to a rookie mistake of trying to play a game of Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel vs Ghoti. With Nosenju in hand and only Maxx C to interact on turn 1, my opponent Ashed my Maxx C then TTTd for full combo. If I had Crimson Blader I'd have won.


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