
Theme Chronicle from on January 20th, 2023
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Matchups were: Crusadia, Dragon Link, Blue-Eyes, Shiranui, Paleo Tenyi, and equip spell OTK (scuffed Ben Kei). The streak was ended by a Crusadia who opened Lightning Storm while I didn't open Prison Lord. Run Prison Lord at 3 if you care enough.

Extra Deck doesn't matter much - it's just filled with situational stuff I have. I didn't need to use ANY of it during the run (used a link-2 one time, but it was unnecessary). Keep the Trickstar package because Holly Angel's attack increase or Bella Madonna's burn could open up lethal lines of play.

This build is a beatdown build that aims to win through multiple attacks on your turn 3. This event's meta is low-power enough where 1-2 disruptions from traps, Nibiru, or even Corobane are enough let you survive through the opponent's turn 2. By then, you should have enough cards, enough chip damage, and hopefully a cleared enemy board to punch them to death.

For Trickstar search targets, aim to end on a board of: Light Stage, Lycoris after bouncing Candina, and Corobane in hand. Any Trickstar over Lv1 should be able to Small World bridge to Nibiru via Effect Veiler. Nibiru is better than Corobane, but not Candina unless you have no other disruption. Any Trickstar should be able to Small World to Lycoris via Nibiru (multiple Lycoris on t2+ are ideal for more attacks).

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