Notes & Combos
This Deck could probably have more routes, but I wanted to use my TCG Deck as more of a reference for fun than running optimal. From my experience, it has a 50%-60% win-rate. So in this event, it does all right.
No Mulcharmy, Imperms, etc., so this can be considered more of a budget build.
Could swap/take out Veiler, Strikes, Reborn, Sanctum, 1x each of Uranus, Hyperion, and Eva. etc.. I do like Sanctum though, mainly for the Sanctuary and to reuse Master Hyperion's effect for Masterflare and maybe can extend for one Shine Ball lol. but isn't real necessary to have. Then for the Extra deck, Cerberus, Hip Hoshiningen, and Herald could be swapped for other inclusions.
Showcasing a combo: