
Theme Chronicle from on January 17th, 2025
cp-ur 330 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The power level of the format was low enough for Monarchs to shine, even without cards like Vanity's/Majesty's Fiend and Kashtira, but handtraps like Imperm, Veiler and ofcourse Ash Blossom was still legal so I didn't used the Squire package for this reason.

Linkslayer felt better than expected just because it gave the deck something important it lacks: Backrow removal. Also Linkslayer is Level 5 so I can Tribute Summon him in desperate times.

Thankfully, the Monarchs Erupt was still legal at 1 copy and as expected, it was an amazing tool to win games on the spot.

I began the event with a single copy of March of the Monarchs, but after a couple of games I realised that I never chose it as a search target, so I cut it out.

Mega Thestalos is there as a substitute of Majesty's Fiend to end your Mithra combo and I must say, he didn't disappoint.

Finished the whole event in about 7-8 hours. I will leave a single replay of the Festival for a few days, it demonstrates well the value of the Mithra combo. Other Monarch replays are still there.

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