
Water and Wind from on August 23rd, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 330
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Why make an endboard when your opponent has a perfectly good one right there?

I don't think this deck is all that strong, but I do think it's funny so I stuck with it for the full event ladder. The main issue is it relies on the opponent overextending, especially when you win the coin toss and have to reveal you're blinding second. There's also some near-autoloss matchups like Majespecter thanks to their targeting & destruction protection. Blinding second does seem strong, but probably better served by replacing the non-engine of 1-card combo decks.

The Ice Barrier synchros are to summon off a stolen Lancea that still have effects I can use without playing an Ice Barrier deck. Fun fact, you can do Change of Heart/Mind Control/Sn4tch Steal/Triple Tac take an opponent's LanceaHornet Drones in the same chain, and get to use Lancea's effect in response to your own special summon of the token. I guess this makes sense since Lancea is on the opposing side at the point of the token being summoned, and the control ruling update ( ) makes you the one able to activate the trigger effect on the next chain, but it does feel very strange!

The XYZes are for putting on top of stolen XYZ monsters for no takesy-backsies. Barely saw any XYZ decks though.

Coral Anemone has no valid revive targets, she's just a 2k beater link-2. Both Marincesses + Shinobi + the XYZ package might be better served as random synchros for how little I used them compared to the occasional time I steal a tuner.

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