Ice Barrier

Water and Wind from on August 23rd, 2024
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 840
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Pretty standard ice barrier deck, really fun and easy to climb the event with.

I'm running 1 Swap Frog to discard the Mirror Mage + Free level 2 + If you have Icejade Ran Aegerine in hand you can return it to the hand to discard it so you don't have to waste someone else.

I'm running Deep Sea Diva to summon Hex from the deck.

Cards that you can replace because they didn't come up often:

  • Raigeki
  • Triple Tactics Talent
  • Forbidden Droplet (you can discard Mirror Mage going second)
  • Evenly Matched
  • Deep Sea Prima Donna (against Ghoti can be useful)
  • Number 4: Stealth Kragen (if Revealer gets negated and you have Speaker in hand)
  • Stealth Kragen Spawn
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