
Water and Wind from on August 18th, 2024
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 840
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I wouldn't waste hours for a minor win streak in a master duel festival, right? WRONG This is a water based festival and i can't let my girl Gymir Aegirine down!

It was horrible. maybe I'm just bad but the win streak didnt feel like i got it because i did really well. It's mostly because 1 folk thought the optimal endboard for ice barrier would be gungnir with no cards in hand and another folk thought true draco would be a fine choice for fhe event.

I rarely tried to perform the lock since it was way to inconsistent to set up. I searched erosion with aegirines search most of the time.

deep sea diva is easily the best normal summon in the deck. If your opponent doesnt open imperm (they always open imperm) you can combo into gymir aegirine while searching erosion. You even get some insight in your opponents deck but be aware that your opponent goes +1 with this combo.

The sharks did pretty well and stealth Kragen is incredibly hard to deal with when most of the players are on ice barrier anyway.

i added two cosmic cyclones because phantasm spiral was giving me a hard time.

Another horrible match up is floow. somehow not a single floow player i faced bricked and god i wasnt able to outgrind them once.

Extra deck is mostly stuff i throw in because jt was some water monster. Gymir, cheng ying, stealth Kragen, stealh Kragen Spawn and coral anemone are mandatory, anything else is replaceable

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