
Water and Wind from on August 26th, 2024
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is my Lyrilusc event for the event....just kidding, Lawamat made this list, because they're the last good Lyrilusc player in the server, apparently. My contribution mostly amounts to lacking the cards to make a 1:1 copy of their list.

So, Lyrilusc. a deck I didn't want to play but got forced to from yet another stupid event, Water Vs Wind, where the Wind to Water ratio is 10:1. Yeah sure, sometimes you find Majespecter, but everything is just Ice Barrier, Umi Stun, Icejade and Ice Barrier again, with Ghoti cards around. Such a lovely event. Really makes you enjoy this game, you know?

Lyrilusc, as I have found myself in the displeasure of finding out, can't go first, ever. And that's simply because if you pick First, you're placing a piece of paper in your back, saying "Kick Me" for Ice Barrier to read.

Let me be very clear here: the odds aren't in your favour, not even remotely. Ice Barrier possesses floodgates, deck summons, protection, high ATK, several backplans and in general is pretty much the only deck Konami made playable in this abomination. Meanwhile, Lyrilusc gets its **** kicked by the Trishulas and Lancea in 50 different ways.

So, the solution is to go second, forcing OTK with Bird Sanctuary and abusing Thrust. SO FUN!

...let us begin

Lyrilusc follows a 2x2+1 monster scheme, consisting of 2 Special Summoners (Swallow and Canary), 2 monsters that need to be Special Summoned not to be glorified vanillas (Sparrow and Wagtail) and a special monster (Warbler) that tries to be both but fails miserably without an empty field or Bird Call's needlessly complicated Special Summon effect.

These disasters work ONLY when SPECIAL summoned, just in case you thought you weren't bricking enough without Tri-Brigades, with Canary and Swallow only working when they're special summoned by THEIR OWN effect. To think these were considered innovative design back then. Hah.

Anyway, each Lyrilusc has two effects, the first when it's on the hand or is Special Summoned, and the second when it's used as material, save for Wagtail, who works in the GY.

Notably the second one isn't HOPT, while the first one, making room for much abuse from us.

  • Sparrow adds a Lyrilusc if Special Summoned, and if used a material it protects the Xyz Summoned with its material from targeting. By far the most powerful card in the Main Deck, especially since the protection isn't once per turn, but forever cursed by the Special Summon requirement. Still a brick without a summoner. Get used to it.
  • Swallow Special Summons from the hand, alongside itself, a Level 1 Winged Beast, not just Lyrilusc, but only if you already control another Winged Beast. The main extender and main bricking cause of the deck, Swallow is truly what makes the OTK reliable...if they're not stopping you before they realize it. If used as a Xyz material, Swallow attaches a Lyrilusc from the GY as material for the Xyz you summoned with it, which is amazing in theory, but conflicts with Wagtail in practice.
  • Warbler is that one monster I spoke about when it came to trying to do both jobs while failing simultaneously. Insisting on an empty board to get Special Summoned by herself, she otherwise needs Bird Call's Special Summon, which doesn't work on the very monster you search with it. While the Special Summon effect, which insists on it being FROM HAND (making Canary out of the question, as it's from the GY), Warbler is nevertheless an ok starter. I say ok because it only Special Summons her and her Lyrilusc SSing from hand or GY (the latter being the only good thing about this card, really) isn't simultaneous, making her and you very vulnerable to Moonlit Chill and Imperm. To complete her lack of reliability, she has no effect when used as Material. She's so mid it hurts
  • Simorgh exists for two reasons: number one, there aren't many Level 1 bodies to boost this deck's consistency, in this deck, and number two, Slower Swallow is a trash card. Simorgh is the one NS alongside Nervall that has the benefit of a lingering effect double NSing another Simorgh copy of itself during the same turn, meaning you can actually get more Xyz material by using Recital to fetch the second one, if needed, which can be summoned by Swallow. Still a potential brick that doesn't help the other Lyrilusc. We're that desperate here.
  • Nervall is just there to cheat Links by murdering the GY. Since I'm poor and I don't have Double Dragon, I can only summon Hraesvelgr.
  • Canary revives a Lyrilusc from GY to be SSd alongside herself. Problem is that she needs a Lyrilusc in the GY, which the other Lyrilusc arent exactly great at ensuring, vulnerable to every kind of banishment, especially with Ice Barrier around. If used as Xyz material, she gives it 200 ATK (not even per material)... And makes it can't be Mind Control'd. Ok. The second effect is really only useful for Assembled. Most of the work is done by the first one, which is HOPT. Yet it's the closest to a good main deck card this deck has. To give you an idea.
  • Wagtail is the special child because, in spite of her Bird Call/Sanctuary search effect, her second effect isn't for when she's used as Material but from the then be reused as material. This last one makes her extremely appealing to Assembled's never-ending bloodthirst, especially to loop the untouchability each turn, and given that it's not OPT. Unless you're softbricking, use her effect to search Sanctuary, as it actually makes your searches practical to win

That ends the Main Deck Lyrilusc part of this guide. Not a great start, but anything better than "bad" is like gold in this event.

  • Gadarla has a higher ATK than Gameciel and is WIND. You can crash Recital against it. See the Recital entry below to know how to.
  • Duster's effect destroys every Spell and Trap on your opponent controls. It's used to destroy every Spell and Trap your opponent controls.
  • One For One bruteforces the activation of every Lyrilusc that requires a Special Summon. Except Warbler. It can also be used to bring Nervall or Simorgh out. The discard can also be used to set Canary up. It's also Limited and not a good target for Thrust, so hold your horses. Or birds, in this case.
  • By banishing 10 cards from the deck, gambling your win condition, and selling your soul, Desires allows you to draw 2 cards. We're forced to play this. Pray hard.
  • LStorm is the compromise between Raigeki and HFD. Still better than Raigeki because backrow is scary. Still not a good Thrust target, but it's "cost" efficient, in spite of the activation condition.
  • Talent is your response when Draco Ryu and Lancea think of killing you, and one of the ways to kill Raiho, by stealing it, one of the two Thrust main targets, alongside Droplet. Otherwise xead most of the time to be played at more copies.
  • To truly the drive the point home about how desperate we are, we also play Jack In The Hand. Of course, they will usually pick Swallow if it's mid combo, but nothing that expertise and practice with this card won't fix. The fact THIS, usually a win thrower, is a good searcher for this deck here, really proves how bad this event has been
  • Thrust is the main card of this deck, and the reason we go second. Fetching the most important cards depending on te hand, it's mostly used to add Talent, Droplet or even HFD. It shouldn't be at 3 or even have been printed, but to begin with, this event should have never been made so that evens out
  • Sanctuary, searchable through Wagtail, is the main draw card and pretty much the only OTK enabler (outside of really high ATK on the opponent's side) to enable Recital crashes, allowing you to transfer Lyrilusc Xyz, usually Recital, and materials to your Assembled. Also, did you know that this card is a reference to the "love birds" phrase and that it has serious implications about what the birds do when overlaying? You're now cursed. No need to thank me HAHAHAHAHAHAH
  • Cowrie is your main Imperm dodger and hand fixer, which I only have 1 of. Unfortunately, it doesn't work without an existing Winged Beast on hand or field, so the effectiveness is limited, but it's a really good card.
  • Droplet is that wonderful card that exists both to dodge Imperms used against your on-Summon effects and to kill their last monster interactions available. Because back and forth duels are for kids.
  • Impermanence exists to spite your opponent while they're going first, and still spite them even when set. A valid target for Thrust, even if not the best one.
  • Recital is the main extender of the deck, being a non-HOPT search and, thanks to Assembled protecting Lyrilusc from destruction and you from damage, pulling a Yubel reverse OTK against sufficiently high ATKs. When summoned, it can boost either the opponent or an already summoned Assembled to mount a ferocious offense, and because said search isn't HOPT, you can summon her 2 more times to keep boosting and searching every Lyrilusc OR Simorgh/Nervall that you can summon. I only have 2 but you should play 3 if possible. 2 is still fine
  • With the stall functions being compromised by the ugly matchups that are Majespecter and Ice Barrier, Assembled is now used to strictly OTK thanks to the multiple attacks, Sanctuary, Recital and Wagtail's recycling
  • Fucho is filler, having no utility without Downerd Magician and Zeus.
  • Ensemblue's utility is compromised due to the circumstances I explained when talking about Assembled but a non-OPT SS bounce never hurts.
  • Thrush's boost basically never comes up, but it's a nice extra to her main function of shuffling back a single backrow. Still an extra material for Assembled with Sanctuary.
  • I forgot to remove Teardrop from when I was still playing the Horus engine on this deck. Oh well. Not like anything valuable was lost anyway
  • Wynn steals WINDs from the GY. Sometimes. You can also play Eria instead of the second copy. Who cares. It's a filler
  • Hraesvelgr is cheated out (legally) by Nervall. Doesn't do much otherwise, but it's nice to have

And then people wonder why Yu-Gi-Oh has such a big problem with beginners when even the Master Duel events are this bad. I hope the next one makes me play Yubel, so I can actually play new decks instead of old ones that I have to unveil for the nth cringe niche event.

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