
Water and Wind from on August 25th, 2024
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 600
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Wet **** event

Actually had way more fun playing this event than ladder for the past few formats or so.

On to the deck itself: Standard Majespecter fare with Wynn the Wind Channeler added in for added consistency - an extra copy of any starter or a bigger chance of opening Speedroid. If you suspect Imperm, Mourner or an Evenly the following turn, try to get the Vaylantz Field spell live by using the Dracoslayer Pendulum plays before going into Orthrus Nue and subsequently your Pendulum Summon. The above techs give you a fighting chance going 2nd to boot.

Crafted a lot of stinky UR names for this list, which I'd most certainly never use outside of this event.

-I'd personally leave Grand Spiritual Art - Ichirin out as it is pretty darn mediocre and easy to play around. -Ghost Mourner is a worse Imperm, but she counts as ammo for Wynn and doesn't compete for your already crowded S/T zones, so all is forgiven?

Should've crafted Castel instead of the above dung ¯\ _ (ツ) _ /¯

Ever noticed that if you're aiming for a winstreak your fifth opponent will always be the default Icon and Mate coupled with the exact deck specifically beating your gimmick, but only if they go first, which of course they do?

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