
Water and Wind from on August 16th, 2024
cp-ur 300 + cp-sr 930
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Paleo Mikanko deck for Water & Wind Festival ( Somehow it worked)

I haven't played Mikanko before and accidently make this deck while trying to make a Paleo deck.

The idea is making a Huli that equip Mikanko equip and ring of magnetism to protect you from battle phase, then using paleo,rollback and other trap card to control . There is not much non-target removal in this event so Huli became a tower on field (She can even search a Mikanko trap card which is good for a trap deck).

May be the deck can get better with Mikanko UR spell and trap but i am not gonna use my UR for that.

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