
Water and Wind from on August 20th, 2024
cp-ur 300 + cp-sr 900
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Paleo is crushing.

There's no Ash to stop your Grass or Reasoning or Left Arm from resolving. If you resolve them ~99% the game is yours at this point. For this I maxxed on Upstarts, Duality, Prosp and Left Arm (didn't craft 3rd stingy).

For better odds for Reasoning you can cut Laundry to 1 but at 3 it was fine for me, only in 1 game my Reasoning milled me 2 cards otherwise it was incredible.

If you have more Daruma's play more, I just didn't want to craft more. Instead I loaded on power 1ofs for Rollback: Elemental Burst, Weighbridge, Ferret Flames, Hope for Escape, Balance of Judgement. First 3 performed a lot, Hope I used like twice, Balance wasn't used even once cuz I was almost always ahead. Rare times when you behind you want to copy equalizers like Evenly, Ferret or Weighbridge.

Discord is just for "fun". Breaktrough Skill is nice into removing Lancea than negating Trishula cuz Ise Barrier was everywhere.

From ED was only using 3 Paleo XYZ and a rare Eria into steal i.e. Coral Anemone -> revive anything link it + 1 paleo or Laundry into Mistarboy for an OTK push

Overall games were long cuz a lot of people doesn't get that after resolving Grass there's no chance for them to come back or you need to outgrind them from good use or normal traps + paleo.

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