
Water and Wind from on August 21st, 2024
cp-ur 510 + cp-sr 720
60 cards

Notes & Combos

The synchros are not used and can be anything, they're fuel for Prosperity, and they were at the top of the list when I was putting the deck together.

Booby Trap E is for Discord, because it screws over Ghoti, White Aura, AND Ice Barrier, and that's 99% of what you face.

Never summoned Testudo. The small amount of monsters means you THINK Reasoning would be very good, and it is, but do be prepared mentally for you to activate it and immediately draw Laundry.

Only 1 Morganite and Karma Cannon? Yes, I don't have the UR dust for more yet sadly :( Magical Hats is very fun though, and Ninja Shadow Mosquito is my new favourite card.

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I have 2 replays on my in-game profile. 140-245-962 is the number! There's also two of my Tri Brigade Melffy games on there, vs Labrynth and Yubel, if that interests you for some reason.