Ritual Beasts

Water and Wind from on August 16th, 2024
cp-ur 360 + cp-sr 750
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The coolest deck in Yu-Gi-Oh. Can't wait for the new support to drop. As it stands, the old school Ritual Beasts do just enough to compete in this event.

The biggest issue, which the new support fixes, is bricking. You have to see exactly Elder + either Cannahawk or Rampengu or you can't do anything. So we're down bad for consistency and playing everything possible to address it. 3 Wynn helps get to Elder, and every monster is a discard target. 3 Small World because Wynn bridges the entire deck. Both of the good Pots, though Prosperity is much better (I had all 3 Ulti-Cannahawks banished off Extrav once, ouch). Obviously with no Ash in the event, you can actually get these searches off. If you have 1 combo piece and no searcher but you have Terrortop, you make Armor Torpedo and believe in the heart of the cards. If you already have access to combo then Terrortop gets you whatever you want between Totem Bird, Gossip Shadow or Cicada King.

For non-engine I cut Called By, not worth it with less handtraps going around. 1 Crossout for Droll. The stars are Book of Eclipse and Moon. They help you going both 1st and 2nd because you can book your own main deck Ritual Beast monsters to dodge targeting interruptions and still contact fuse with them face-down.

This deck is old enough that most players have never seen it play, so opponents routinely waste interruptions into your plays. Imperm on Elder never gets old.

Going 1st combo ends on Kimunfalcos + Ulti-Cannahawk + double Steeds with Apelio and Winda to tag into, theoretically up to 6 non-targeting pops.

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vs. Ice Barrier (Aug 16 Festival replay)