Speedroid Windwitch

Water and Wind from on August 24th, 2024
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Not super complicated, generally you try to make Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon and Clear Wing Fast Dragon. Ice Bell makes (indestructible) Synchro Dragon by itself (use Wind Pegasus as the 7* synchro since it has a GY eff), then NS Terrortop and/or Pilica can make the Fast Dragon. If you don't have Ice Bell then Terrortop is free to SS itself and isn't locked out of Cork Shooter, so you can have Taketomborg search Dice instead to make Stardust Warrior.

Remember that the Windwitch synchro can be made with just wind monsters, so Chimes is usually live even if you don't draw a Windwitch. In that case you'd usually get Glass Bell->Snow Bell to make Crystal Wing and hopefully find something to do with the Glass Bell.

Gadarla makes Small World trivial to use; it bridges everything into everything. Naturally, everything bridges into it as well so it makes Small World a source of removal too, particularly nice for sniping Lanceas (though you'll still get Trish hand sniped). Book of Moon also turns off Lancea and is one of the best non-engine cards you can run in this event imo, really good going either first or second.

Rasenryu is actually pretty nice, it's functionally a Link 2 that non-targets bounces monsters, getting rid of basically every annoying card in this event (Lancea without causing it to float, Gymir, Chengying). While taking up a maindeck slot instead of an extra deck slot is unfortunate, the upside is that it has a level and can extended into further synchro plays. Level 5 is a bit awkward for this deck, but notably makes Mist Wurm with 5+3+1T. You can also use Piper's GY eff to bring it down to the more typical Level 3 non-Tuner for this deck.

I built this deck mostly with what I had on hand (only UR craft for me personally was Clear Wing Fast Dragon) so the ED is pretty unoptimized. Ideally I would definitely add Clear Wing Rider, a second Crystal Wing (not hard OPT), and Crystal Clear Wing is a better payoff for the Cork Shooter line than Stardust Warrior imo. Also Fusion Armament looks super interesting for this deck, instantly tutoring out the Windwitch Synchro lets you go into Rider and Crystal Wing really easily. The Xyz, Kitedrake, and 6* synchros can be removed fairly easily for space.

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