
Water and Wind from on August 15th, 2024
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Big shoutout to Deepsea Darew as he has done most of the therorycrafting behind this deck.

His channel:

The gist of this deck is to make Arionpos (lvl 6 synchro), banish Psiics, and put Coelacanth into your hand. From there, you will use something like Fishborg Harpooner or Abyss Keeper to summon him.

My endboard would look something like this: Dragite, Gymir, Arionpos, and 2 lvl 2 ghotis (usually Paces and Shif).

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The 1st replay showcases the main combo for this deck