
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 18th, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 150
43 cards

Notes & Combos

The deck performed admirably in the WCQ, solid as always, the Horus engine helps the deck in many ways, you can use the Horus cads as Synchro materials for a Baronne if you have Sharaga or use them for SP, and Zephyros can remove King Sarc to Special himself. The Small Wold Bridges are also good Imsety basically helps search anything.

Most often than not I've found it very helfpul that I could makea quick negate with Photon Lord, which I prefer over Zombie Vamp for now, even though the possibility of milling Sudri and Zephyros does sound enticing so if you dont have one or the other I think you cant go wrong. I've also had no spot for Wise Strix, which should be there for the second Boreastorm which is unnecesary I just didnt have UR crafts.

Until next time.

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