
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 15th, 2024
cp-ur 240 + cp-sr 570
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Basically, this is the usual Burn decklist I used for normal ranked climb. It turns out that Timelord can deal with a bunch of currently meta decks, either because they were unable to stop the burn effect without an actual effect negate, or that they spent their interruptions on it and making them unable to play around other Burn cards.

Unlike the other Burn decklist, I prefer using Timelords instead of Lava Golem, as it can performs hillariously well against Stun decks that seems to be quite frequent recently. Sandaion is reliable as a huge beater that can beat over most common negate boss monster and deal 2000 damage, though his summoning condition would prevents him from being fielded if opponent somehow pass their turn with an empty field. Here's where Michion shines, since you are most likely going to win if his LP halving effect resolves, though this also comes at the risk of getting negated (and therefore getting damaged if you ram into monster). Funny thing about Michion is that his LP halving effect is not considered an effect damage. Which means you can still resolves Michion's effect after using One Day of Peace or Pot of Prosperity, the former of which can be game-winning since you are most likely going to be able to stall to get more burn cards in your hand after its damage nullifying effect wears off at the end of opponent's turn.

Of course, you wouldn't wanted to open more than two Timelords, let alone three, so that's the reason why I opted for 45 cards to diversify the potential opening hand a bit.

I uses Santa Claws as my "Kaiju" of choice since it doesn't have side-unique condition, and that the draw 1 it gives to the opponent is often a plus, since we wanted the opponent to fill up their board.

Since Timelords are typically enough to buy some time, we can afford playing other "slower" Burn cards like Chain Energy, which also happens to works well against many decks that like to special summon or activate stuff from the hand alot, like Snake-Eyes and its variants.

Admittedly, like other Burn decks, this deck is still quite vulnerable to negate spam or backrow pop during our turn (like Salad or Lab), but with good enough hands (and a bit of luck) you can win through them.

Funny thing is, it took me only a hour to rank up from level 18 to level 20, since I got matched with a bunch of decks that were just so happens to be unable to deal with Timelords or like to clog their field.

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