Chain Burn

WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 240 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

How to:

  1. Blind going 2nd always, we want our opp to build a big board

  2. Play reactively. Don't blindly chain every trap unless you're absolutely sure u got lethal and they can't respond. Let ur opp try and destroy ur ''Boo-Boo Game, Secret Blast, Bad Luck Blast'' first.

  3. Always use a calc, unless you're a STEM lord. Ur opp will chain to get rid of cards from their field/hand (E.g Rescue Ace quick play spell cards) to dodge cards like ''Just Desserts, Ceasfire, Secret Barrel, Ring of Destruction'' etc, so calculate and aim for overkill.

Card Ratios:

  • ''Maxx C'' seems counter-intuitive because we want our opp to build a big board, but this deck lacks consistency and it's better they use their negates on that, rather than one of our Pot cards or ''Mahaama the Fairy Dragon''.

  • Only 1 ''Lava Golem'' cuz it can brick and you're never gonna summon more than one. I stopped facing ''unbreakable board'' decks and since it's a Fire lvl8, decks like ''Fire King, Horus, Salads'' can XYZ, Link and/or get rid of it easily.

  • ''Ghost Mourner'' amazing VS decks like ''Fire Kings/Snake-Eeyes'' because they have a lot of high ATK monsters that they send from the field to the GY (E.g ''Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon''), but the cards is super dead against decks like ''Horus'' cuz they'll just XYZ with it. I wouldn't play this in low-mid ranked climbs. Sometimes ur opp will forget about it's 2nd eff of dealing dmg.

  • Every game that ''Michion, the Timelord'' eff went off, I won the duel. It's especially great against ''stun/control'' decks. You can play more copies depending on ur match-ups.

His eff doesn't count as effect dmg!.

You can't summon ''Lava Golem and Michion, the Timelord'' in the same turn cuz of ''Lava Golem's'' restriction

  • 3X ''Mahaama the Fairy Dragon'' is mandatory. Most don't even know this card exists. It can get negated by things like ''Appaloosa'', but if ur opp notices you're playing Burn, they will not aim for monster negate cards.

His eff activates in the dmg step, so it's hard to get negated.It has great synergy with ''Dimension Wall''

-1X ‘’Triple Tactics Thrust’’. You don’t have to play this, but u will get ‘’Ashed, I:P Masquaerena, S:P Little Knight, Maxx ‘’C’’ etc’’ so it can be handy.

  • Pot Cards cuz this deck lacks consistency. If they get ''Ashed'', pray that u have ''Triple Tactivs Thrust'' or 'Gravedigger's Trap Hole'' already set. U don't have to play ''Pot of Desires''.

If u activate ''Pot of Duality'', u can't summon ''Lava Golem''

If u activate ''Pot of Desires'', u risk banishing ''Trap Trick'' targets''

  • ''One Day of Peace'' is the best card in the deck. If u activate it, u can either:
  1. Pass turn without setting anything
  2. Set ''Gravedigger's Trap Hole'' and pray it doesn't get destroyed, so u can use it next turn in case they try to negate one of ur ''Draw'' cards.
  • Only 1X ''Chain Strike'' cuz I didn't have gems for more. Some play 3X, others play none at all. I personally think it's great, especially in this format when ur turn is also ur opp's turn and there are hand traps in the chain mix as well.

  • 3X ''Just Desserts/ Ceasfire'' is mandatory

''Ceasfire'' is only for eff Monsters, but includes ur own. ''Just Desserts'' counts tokens and normal monsters as well.

  • 2X ''Ring of Destruction'' cuz after the errata it's only once per turn, only during ur opp's turn, only when ur opp has more LP than he's gonna get inflicted, it targets and ur opp can dodge it by tributing/bouncing/destroying etc his own monster (E.g Rescue Ace quick spell cards). It's bad late game. Always use it at the start of the chain during the early game. U must know ur opp's highest ATK monster thatu can target (E.g ''Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon'' or ur ''Lava Golem''). U can target ''Horus'' monsters even when '' King's Sarcophagus'' is on, cuz it targets.

  • 3X ''Secret Barrel'' is mandatory, great for late game, great VS ''Sky Strikers'' or other ''grindy/resource'' decks.

  • 3X ''Secret Blast' is mandatory. Pray that ur opp destroys it, great for late game.

  • 3X ''Bad Luck Blast'' isn't mandatory, but in this meta with high ATK monsters (Snake-eyes/Fire Kings, Horus, Kashitra) it's great. Pray that ur opp destroys it.

The first eff is once per turn, it targets, ur opp can dodge it just like with ''Ring of Destruction''. Careful to not kys with this card (ask me how I know)

  • 2X Trap Trick. Play at least one copy. It can get annoying if u have to set 5 and not be able to activate it. Don't play 3X, it can be bricky and u might need the extra copy of the card u banished (if the duel lasts longer than usual).

  • 3X ''Gravedigger's Trap Hole''. 2X+ copies is mandatory. It is not once per turn. U can't use it VS ''Horus'' monsters that summon from the GY.

  • 1X ''Boo-Boo Game''. U can run 2X or none at all. I won every duel where it's eff went off. Very hit or miss card (pun intended). It's either booboo game for ur opp, or doodoo game for u.

Honorable card mentions:

  1. ''Lord of the Heavenly Prison''. I didn't have URs to craft him. I would definitely use him, but since u need him at ur oppening hand, u have to run multiples and u might brick.
  2. ''Transaction Rollback'' with ''Paleozoic Marrella''. I didn't have URs to craft, seems good.
  3. ''Magic Cylinder''. Don't play this card. ''Battle Traps'' are slow and outdated. Ur opp will make sure to clear ur field before attacking and/or bounce/remove/tribute etc their own monster to dodge it.''Dimension Wall'' is better cuz it doesn't target and inflicts battle damage.
  4. ''Dimension Wall''. Altough it can steal games cuz u can use ''Mahaama the Fairy Dragon'' with it, it is still a slow ''Battle Trap'' that u'll rarely be able to pull off. I would try running it if I had ''Lord of the Heavenly Prison'' to protect it.
  5. ''Lady Labrynth of the Silver Castle''. No URs to craft it, no opinion yet.
  6. ''Waking the Dragon''. No URs to craft it, seems fun.


  • They have high ATK monsters for ur ''Ring of Destruction/Bad luck Blast,Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill''
  • They make big boards for ur ''Just Desserts/Ceasfire''
  • They can pop ur ''Secret Blast, Bad Luck Blast'' with their spell ''Fire King Sky Burn''

They can dodge damage with ''Fire King Sky Burn, S:P Little Knight''

  1. RESCUE-ACE = Good
  • Similar match-up with ''Snake-eye Fire Kings''. They can use their quick play spells to dodge damage, but they also have high ATK boss monsters.

3 HORUS= Great (unless they summon ''Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon'' first turn. Happened once and I scooped)

  • They have high ATK monsters, not many negates

4.Tearlaments = Mid

  • They can shuffle ur cards without destroying them.
  • They have a counter trap neg
  1. Purrley = Bad
  • Only faced them once after I reached Max, but it seems bad.
  1. Labrynth= Bad
  • Only won 2 times out of 20.
  1. Branded = Good

  2. Stun= Good

  3. Flowwandeeznutz = Mid/ Luck Based

  • Pray u open ''Ring of Destruction/Bad luck Blast' for their Penguin and they open with useless anti-meta floodgates. ''Mist Valley Apex Avian'' and ''Raiza The Mega Monarch'' summoned during ur turn can be a problem.
  1. Kashitra = Good
  • They flood the field and have high ATK monsters

Careful of:

  • Rogue decks that don't build big boards. They're gonna start poking ur LP with a single beater.
  • Decks that can make ''Black-Winged Dragon''
  • Getting OTK'd if u don't have ''Mahaama the Fairy Dragon''

Do not copy this Extra Deck. It may be irrelevant and just fodder for the Pot cards, but it’s better to add actual meta extra deck monsters in case ur opp plays ‘’Dogmatika’’ or any other deck that can get info on ur Extra Deck during their first turn. It’s better to have the element of surprise than let them know you're playing an off meta deck.

Excuse any typos and bad grammar, my English isn’t the best.

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ID: 317-120-279

Replays are VS:

  1. Vaylantz
  2. Fire King-Snake eyes
  3. Resue-Ace
  4. Labrynth
  5. Stun
  6. Tearlaments