
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 19th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 570
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Stop saying Chaos Max he's not playing it! AGAIN!!!

For this WCQ I decided to run a similar list to the one I ran in the last DC cup.

Just like before the goal is to go first and set up the iblee lock while removing part of the opponent's extra deck, hopefully closing out the game from most decks needing most of their ED to function. Alternatively white relic and chaos MAX are here to either close out the game on turn 3 or OTK going second.

As always this deck is a 2-card combo which bricks like crazy, supplemented with going second cards like triple tactics thrust which are live going first thanks to iblee.

Alternate Ratios:

  • you can opt to drop the branded retribution package or feather duster for ultimate slayer or more handtraps. as much as I would like to run a 40 card deck there are just too many bricks that I ddidn't want to cut.

"Tech" Choices:

  1. Chaos MAX
  • under the assumption that FK Snake-eyes would be everywhere I assumed an indestructible, untargetable beatstick would do well. In practice it actually did, assuming you could push through all of the disruptions beforehand.
  1. Ashiyan
  • credit to the dogmatika discord channel for this one. Ashiyan recycles a dogmatika card from the grave, which removes the need to run psy-framelord omega in the ED. Being lvl 8 also helps in summoning chaos MAX, which usually requires sacking maximus or fleur de lis due to chaos form needing exact levels.
  1. S:P Little Knight
  • this card need no introduction, but serves two purposes in this list. Firstly it can be made on the followup with another iblee to set up a very telegraphed OTK with chaos MAX. Second, it can be used to link off a monster taken with triple tactics talent, specifically something like kashtira ariseheart.
  1. 3x Herlad of the Arclight
  • somewhat needed for the chaos MAX part to function. With full combo going first you usually use one herald to do your main combo, with the other two searching both chaos MAX and chaos form.

Climbing Experience:

  • Overall chaos MAX is fun but the climb wasn't. This has probably been the worse grind so far. I was expecting lots of FK SE, pure, and R-ACE, but instead got a bunch of horus variants and anti-meta decks aimed at stopping the graveyard. Specifically, stun, kashtira, labrynth, and shifter decks all running floodgates. Most of my wins were gonig second and honestly building for blind second might have been easier. I wouldn't recommend playing this list if your aim is a quick path to Dlvl MAX
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