
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 19th, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 540
41 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is the final version of the Dogmatika Pure Deck I've made after several months of testing. First of all, here's an exhaustive list of the deck variants I took the time to try out:

  • Aleister
  • Shadoll
  • Bystial
  • Iblee lock
  • Kashtira
  • Branded
  • Spellbook
  • Blind second
  • Full hand trap (18 HT)

Each of these versions has its advantages and disadvantages, of course, but in the end I opted for the pure version, which, in my opinion, is the best.

For the construction of this deck, the minimal pure engine contains 16 cards. This leaves 24 freespots. Or rather 15, since Maxx C exists...

Concerning freespots, I wondered how they could help me overcome the inherent weaknesses of my decks? Which led me to list its weaknesses:

  • Consistence: weakness present 100% of the time. For information, when playing the minimal Dogmatika engine, with the 10 basic starters, you only have a 37% chance of getting a 2 card combo in go 1st, which is... Horrible.

  • Difficulty playing through hand traps: this weakness is present almost 100% of the time.

  • Difficulty beating an established board: 50% of the time, basically when you go 2nd.

There are also other weaknesses such as playing under Shifter, Droll, floodgates and the grind game. But we're confronted with these weaknesses much less often, so they don't take priority.

The 3 main weaknesses being consistency, resilience to Hand Traps and break board, I made the following choices:

  • Maximize access to my engine cards: 4 ritual spells and 4 ritual monsters (instead of 2 of each), 3 Diviner and 3 Extra Foolish Burrial. These cards both increase my consistency by 46% to 83% and enable me to play through hand traps much better. The real difference is as obvious as the numbers.

  • Play 6 go 2nd cards. 3 TTT, 1 PTT, 1 Lightning Storm and 1 Ultimate Slayer.

  • Add a punishment to play better around Maxx C and have a better TTT target.

As for the extra deck, nothing to add, it's what you'll find just about everywhere.

This deck requires a good knowledge of match ups to shine, but when handled well it's really good, easily rivalling the current Meta, making a very good "rogue" deck with unique gameplay. I highly recommend it!

If you have any questions, contact me, I'll be happy to answer them.

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