
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 23rd, 2024
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 210
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I don't wanna be down bad anymore, I just wanna be loved

But here I am, still down bad and DLv. 20 with nothing other than Dragonmaids.

The climb was the most horrible thing I've ever did. Every duel felt like an uphill battle. I feel like i lucked and stumbled my way to DLv. 20.

I dont recommend using the deck for a serious climb. Its heavily outclassed by everything around it. but if you just want a good time with dragon waifus, than this is your deck.

Looking back i would switch out Dragostapelia and almiraj for accesscode/a second striker dragon.

i never summoned I:P but it was nice to have her - just in case.

Dragonmaid welcome is heavily underrated, while I never used the on field effect, the graveyard effect came up a few times and even won me a game.

s/o to "John Salchichón". I used his Dragonmaid list as a basis for mine.

feel free to ask any question!

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only the second one is worth your time, really