Dream Mirror

WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 20th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 810
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Having a lot of fun with this list!

Labrynth cards make accessing hypnagogia + neiroy a lot easier and can sometimes contribute to the endboard too, also very helpful in long games.

Not running regular welcome as the fiend lock is too harsh. Can possibly cut on ariannas for more ikelos. Oneiromancy can also be cut but its useful to be searched off of ikelos if you already have fusion and hypnagogia access.

Dream mirror one card combo goes like this:

Neiroy traitor effect to add disciple>

(optional play a field spell from hand if you want effect) play discple >

tribute disciple with traitor effect >

summon ikelos sprite >

add dream mirror of chaos >

link off into ip or sp (don't if you have hypnagogia access) >

play mirror of terror and summon tormentor (or if you have hypnagogia access you can set the fusion spell but playing terror is still recommended to get mara).

If you have hypnagogia access make sure to end on mara instead of sprite so on opponents turn you can tribute mara for sprite to add morpheus and then tribute sprite to summon mara to summon morpheus for a pop.

Of course there are other lines and variables but thats the one you will probably be using the most.

Ariane is a 1.5 card starter with a trap card and phantasms can obviously search neiroy. (NOTE: if you have neiroy and phantasms use neiroy first so if he is negated you can search discple and if not you can add morpheus or phanatos)

If you only have arianna its probably better to just make more labrynth focused plays.

Dream mirror interuptions with hypnagogia are as follows:

Hypnagogia can replace enemy field spell to stop its effects and also after they enter battlephase to stop evenly. (NOTE: if you hold gogia for a field spell you wont be able to activate most of your monster effects)

Monster negate (no hypnagogia required)

After the monster negate resolves (so the negate can't be called by) tribute tormentor for erlking.

Tribute mara to summon sprite and add morpheus (if you have erlking you can use his effect to pop)

Tribute sprite to summon mara and summon morpheus to pop (you can also use erlking pop here)

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Player ID: 088-909-981

all WCQ replays are of this deck.