Galaxy Photon

WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 24th, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 330
41 cards

Notes & Combos


Overall i can give this deck 6.5/10 but that is because one i am a bad pilot and two it has been so long since i played yugioh i dont know what to interrupt. Card Destruction is not necessary, its my meme card. I didnt play 3x Ash because i literally dont have more copies of Ash Blossom. If you dont have Harpie's Feather dust i highly recommend backrow removal THAT IS NOT LIGHTNING STORM.

important notes : Often times i have not summoned Apollousa so feel free to remove it cause it rarely came to play, i highly advise against removing goddess even if it wont see much play its a lifesaver. That aside Coach King Giantrainer feels like a winmore card, even though there were times where it saved me by drawing so many cards there were more times where my endboard was, monster wise, weaker than it could have been. It helps you get staples to interrupt at the cost of you having I:p + PeP or Rank8 -> S:P. These aside F.A. Dawn dragster was the only Trap negation that came to my mind at the time which can be replaced with a better one, the reason i kept it is cause galaxy summoner can make it a level 4.

That aside the other things to know is when you are doing the usual punk combo quite often you will have to use deer notes effect to revive a level 8 so you can make zombie vampire. I often times make Coach King Giantrainer whenever i am able to cause of my gambling addiction and "DORRO" addiction....try not to do that.

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Only Replay : 896-855-563 vs Kalledit

The deck can easily be optimized to be better imho. The reason why i dont have wizard is i feel like there arent good targets for it but i havent tested it. Delta wing is NOT fit for this deck either and Galaxy Soldier will not work 75% of the time due to attributes. Feel free to hit me in Discord server of this website in Galaxy-Photon channel.

I will be making a video and post the duels afterwards.