
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 19th, 2024
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 450
41 cards

Notes & Combos

SHS GK over other variants because i like having a backup plan (Baronne & Savage). You can also sometimes setup Baronne alongside your FTK and often even as your 5th summon as Nib protection.

Soulhorns over Stealthy bcuz Wagon & Big Benkei can search it.

3 Big Benkei because it's always glued to my hand, in the ~60-70 games i played i even drew 2 copies around 5-10 times.

3 Black Garden is worth considering (don't have to search it if you draw it), haven't tried it myself but it seems decent.

2 Lady Lapis Lazuli & Master Diamond so interruptions on them don't matter (if your opponent holds interactions for them). Did this ever come up tho? Like twice. Once Topaz would've done the job as well so it's highly debatable if playing 2 is worth it.

Sarutobi seems really good tho, not only does it out Bagooska but having any SHS to summon via Wakaushi won me a bunch of games.

Speaking of Bagooska, decided to play it over the Lvl 12 SHS Synchro, but the few times i made it my opp was able to out it anyway. Still sounds so good in theory so i kept it for now.

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