Notes & Combos
Some of you may recognize me from Duel Links. I had to prove a point. There's a lot of really weird choices here, and the answer to most of them is that I forgot to craft WANTED. A lot of the extra deck went unused because I didn't bother crafting them until late into the climb, so I never ended up making promethean princess or S:P, though I probably would've used them a fair bit if I took more time to playtest.
Basic combo is as follows: 1: get to island/sacred garunix without using your normal summon 2: pop Cerb from deck, search Peryton 3: tribute summon peryton, use effect to summon 2 Hydra 4: Make Lars, activate both Hydras' effect to attach 2 Hazy from grave 5: Get 3 omni negates
This was kaiju'ed at least twice during my climb, and I think I won both of those games.