
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 19th, 2024
cp-ur 1350 + cp-sr 390
60 cards

Notes & Combos


anyway adventure has funny synergy with apple dragon, since either with fatefull/rite could get you token, apple ss itself, make stardust charge warrior for draw 1, then apple summon token into crystal wing, so its a trade from 2 card, into draw 1 and anti nib

BMD is used usually go straight into seal/romulus if you missing apple/lubellion, 1 Boot Sector for free discard fodder and handtrap bait

the horus synergy in this deck is most of your card is free discard (enchantress/vision etc), also other stuff is basically ash bait so you have higher chance of imsety resolved, since nobody knows what you playing anyway and lvl 8 + all the lvl2 tuner = baronne/chaos angel, and TZV to unbrick some hands. 2 kingsarc, and 1 tomb to shuffle brick sometimes

the 1 off IoC/magician souls, is basically dark target for chaos space, and souls could send Imsety since its also a spellcaster for free if you also open king sarc. Souls could also send boot/dracoback+fatefull for free draw. IoC/souls doesnt do anything alone tho thats why i only play 1

samsara to recycle bystial

assault synchron is another free summonable lvl2 tuner, and you could trigger the 2nd eff mostly by lubellion tributing scarred dragon into TZV play

1 foolish because its your bridge to all the engine

crossout has so much value here you could crossouting aramesir/king sarchopagus just to f your opponent

for ED choice : striker - seal - rom for BMD line Ip-SP for endboard pieces dharc to go 2nd and tzv synergy tzv to unbrick/get more engine

stardust warrior-crystal wing for the apple dragon-adventure line scarred-red dragon cuz it has synergy with crimson gaia and easy tzv line with lubellion accel synchro to win more with gamma/synchro climb into dispater/baronne chaos angel for go 2nd boardbreaking, since we have so many light dark combination of tuner non tuner

and i just realized it cost a whooping 1320 UR lmao

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replay : 225-502-321 or https://www.youtube.com/@Quasar92/videos