
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 16th, 2024
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 420
41 cards

Notes & Combos

I Always went for Arise-Heart under five summons because of Nibiru.

Sauravis is the MVP, being a good Small World bridge and protecting your monsters from targeting effects. This lets you play through S:P Little Knight without wasting the battle phase to attack over it. I would play 3 if i had enough UR for it.

Yes, Veiler is dead if you have Arise-Heart or Shifter active, but if you are in this position, you are already winning and your opponent is very limited in their options. Veiler is a very potent handtrap going second and in case your Arise-Heart gets outed. It helped me in almost every matchup and always felt good to have.

Planet Pathfinder at 2 was good, it was only dead once when I drew it together with the field spell, but Small World turned it into an Ash Blossom.

3 Infinitrack Goliath to increase the chances of banishing it with Extravagance. This led to more attachments onto Arise-Heart than with only 1, but it never mattered in the games it came up.

Overall very happy with this decklist.

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