
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 14th, 2024
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I don't have UR points to craft staples.

I would remove 1 sigma, 1 addition and mourner for an extra copy of ash, maxx c and nibiru.

I would also remove Archfiend Eccentrick to get that third nibiru :), though I think it is viable (not the best) as a searchable out (with Small World) to some floodgates or to force your opponent to play some set cards: it saved me in a game against d-fissure.

Rivalry of Warlords is pretty strong against SE/FK even when going second (if they don't pop it on your turn): they need kirin, sky burn, knightmare phoenix or SP to remove it which is quite hard when locked to a single type. And when it is back to your turn they can't use promethean princess or nibiru to stop you.

Sadge fact: in a game I got nibiru'd on turn 1, I made IP with the token and rock locked them with rivalry on turn 2 (definitely should have waited for them to summon their SE combo) but lost the game because I got nibiru'd again on turn 3 and couldn't link climb anymore.

Just setting rivalry and passing without comboing is also an option in some cases (you get maxx c'd or can't play through all the opponent's interactions which can be removed/prevented by monkey flipping rivalry).

Extra Deck are standard cards with vlan ip sp.

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