
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 19th, 2024
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 360
41 cards

Notes & Combos

I did swap Mereologic Aggregator for Firewall Dragon Singularity so that if I suspect they have nibiru I could not use transcode, make terahertz and, if they use nibiru there I would be able to chain dotscaper and use that + link spider to make crystal heart to bring back transcode and use its effect so there is enough link material to make singularity. Main deck is the same as last time, if you feel micro coder and cynet conflict are adding too many non-starter cards you can swap those for an imperm to also make it an even 40. The deck does have a few cards besides conflict that you generally don't wish to draw (firewall guardian, mathmech multiplication and, both exceed) which is why I'm fine with more than 40 and, micro coder allows for multiplication to have a bridge which did come up once or twice during my climb.

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Full list of my games from DLv 10 to MAX: