
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 15th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

-pretty easy climb for me. Turn 1 just setup your omni then just put Hapi on the field for follow up. Suprisingly!!! Hapi will resolve more than you expected. This because you put more pressure with omni negate and masuwaru draw.

-If got maxx c, just normal summon cricket and pass

-You can cut the red supernova cause most of the time i summon cosmic blazar.

-This deck is super good agaisnt rescue ace because of naturia engine and Horus effect. You will have ez match up if you play your cards right

-Against branded , just summon your Harbringer and they will cry.

-Against stun, just dont put your horus card in gy. Just use naturia as tribute and Push if got no reposnse.

-Put 2nd sp if you want to cut red supernova.


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