
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 17th, 2024
cp-ur 480 + cp-sr 780
60 cards

Notes & Combos

So I wrote a whole blurb in here and forgot to press save but Ig Ill write it again- Deck was good, and a generally fun climb. I'll go over some matchups and Deckbuilding/tech cards in this description, and I have some replays in my profile.

Matchups- This deck is surprisingly solid against many meta decks if it can go first. I didnt really feel like I could lose many games going first. Going second is rougher, but can be done with a little bit of luck and skill. Worst match ups for the deck are by far going second against Mathmech, Salad and Purrly. All of these decks and disrupt your traps before the next turn when they are activatable. Salad in particular with Rage pop 4 and Pyro phoenix+roar is rough. Honorable mention to Tear as well for super poly being annoying and my opponent always somehow having heartbeat. Going second, the play was pretty much always entering battle and baiting Evenly, usually to force and IP into knightmare phoenix.

Tech Cards- Soldier Dragons/laundry engine- EVERRRYONEEEE GET IN HERE! This engine created by Yuri and used by Josh is very solid for putting bodies on the board to gain advantage and mill. I found 3 Soldier and 2 laundry to be too many normals, so I cut one of each. Tidying most of the time dead in the hand, but a good discard or bait trap.

Different Dimension Ground- A meta tech call I subbed in to deal with all of the relevant GY decks. To be honest, I didn't draw or use it that much, but a good play was to use it and then Rollback + burst or banish the Fire King Island to take away recovery/grind game. Could honestly run Simul Archfiend instead.

Balance of Judgement- The ultimate equalizer, if you can survive the turn, you usually trap trick for this in the worst case scenario, and suddenly youre playing the game again. I had several unbelievable comebacks due to this card.

Ice Dragons Prison- Usage varied but it was usually decent. Great against tear, it could also grab an Opp maxx C for you to make an opabina!

Evenly matched- Its evenly, it does its job going second. Only 2 for avoiding dead draws.

And thats it for the tech section. I would say the rest is all essential, these and maybe lost wind are the most cuttable. Deck is great, your win con is the several board wipes you can do in the form of easily made Zeus, rollback on Elemental burst, daruma on links, and Coral anemone-zealantis line. Play defense and outgrind your opponent! Also watch out for Ash worst handtrap ever...

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218-602-431 First replay from WCS, some underneath same deck but ranked. Will make a YT video soon.