
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 13th, 2024
cp-ur 450 + cp-sr 750
60 cards

Notes & Combos

I climbed DL cup with blind second Paleo, just to try it out. This was an experimental list, but I was pleasantly pleased with how good it turned out.

Tech explained:

  • Lord of the Heavenly Prison: Great cards against MU like Fire Kings or Salamangreat. Protect your backrow and tutor any S/T you want. Just be careful when to summon it. It was also a big beater in the deck, which actually came up. 2x only to increase the value of Reasoning.
  • Ferret Flames: great board wipe. It also doesn't trigger floating effects because it shuffles into the deck. It needs low LP which can be annoying in the early game, but you can just let the opp poke in for some damage
  • Ichiroku: Recommended by folks in the #paleo channel. The temporary banish is nice, and the LP gain has great synergy with Hope to Escape. Overall it was decent.
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