Pendulum Magician

WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 17th, 2024
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 390
43 cards

Notes & Combos

DISCLAIMER: DO NOT COPY THIS LIST. IT IS OUTDATED. Play the Supreme King stuff that everyone else is using.

I wanted to see if I could reach DL Max with pre-support Pendulum Magicians + Exceed the Pendulum. Honestly, I just won more coinflips than I lost.

Main Deck: Purple Poison, Pendulum Sorcerer, Vaylantz fields and Triple Tactics Talent are great. I recommend them all post-support too.

Extra Deck: I use the Spright Elf, Promethean Princess, Amblowhale, Zealantis package to loop Electrumite. I find that more fun than a toolbox ED. It can be replaced by toolbox cards like Cross-Sheep, IP Masquerena, Selene, Charmers, Abyss Dweller, Accesscode Talker. I rarely use Ignister Prominence but he has great utility. Can remove cards that can't be targeted or destroyed and can get you an extra body in Luster Pendulum. Very valuable when needed. You can replace it with another lv 8 synchro like Supreme King Dragon Clear Wing or Borreload Savage Dragon.

Going First: Full combo ends on Vortex, Baronne, 2-4 mat Apollousa, SP Little Knight, both Pendulumgraphs and Purple Poison Magician scaled. You can sometimes have a 2nd magician scaled such as Harmonizing or Celestial Magician. I only got to full combo once during this event, the replay vs Weather Painter Moonbow icon.

People play so many handtraps. Promethean Princess reviving Electrumite saved many of my combos. Replay vs Dydalpha is an example but it is sloppy.

If your opponent Maxx C's, go for Bagooska. Try to have as much of the following supporting it: Time Pendulumgraph + Purple Poison Magician, Performapal Celestial Magician scaled, SP Little Knight or Spright Elf pointing to Bagooska. I have a few replays with various setups. Particularly my oldest Master 5 replay where you can see it all in action. However, I let my opponent draw 5. Pendulum Sorcerer does a lot to help achieve these setups. The Bagooska gameplan remains the same post-support.

Going 2nd: With this list, I try to proc Purple Poison and sometimes Black Fang as much as I can while looping Electrumite with Princess, Spright Elf and Zealantis and link climbing. Build up my board while breaking theirs. The replay vs ITACHI is an example. My going 2nd replays tend to get really sloppy towards the end because I'm running out of time.

There are a lot of "secret" effects in this deck and I will post them later in the comments.

DONT COPY THIS LIST. Play the Supreme King stuff that everyone else is using.

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ID: 002-019-149

Replays in various situations. Full combo going 1st, going 1st vs Maxx C, negated Electrumite. Going 2nd vs Maxx C, Naturia Beast (vs BiggusPotus) and unusual/cheesy matchups like Dinomorphia. My gameplay isn't perfect but the replays will give a general idea of what pre-support Pend Magicians can do.