Sky Striker

WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 510
45 cards

Notes & Combos

Going 1st: Sky Striker Snake Eyes Master Rank 1 Deck List for the current format.

General highlights on some cards:

  • Striker cards are always helpful in either extending and improving the end board or dealing with opponents when you lose the coin toss.
  • Cyanos Makes the deck more Striker like since she doesnt need your NS, you can also use it for dodging handtraps.
  • Now that we have Camellia, the deck is invincible.
  • Hope we could get Wanted to 2 or 3 Since you can get an omni negate from it or extend more when your opponent have a lot handtraps.
  • You can Also Run Thrust if you go 2nd or when we get The Black Witch sister (The White Witch) in the Future.

P.S.: If you don't have enough materials, PM me so that I can recommend substitutional card(s), or if you need help with Sky Strikers, feel free to let me know.

** Sky Striker Forever **

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The following link contains some combo lines and epic gamereplays: <3

And this is the pure Striker version if you are interested: