Supreme King

WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 16th, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 210
45 cards

Notes & Combos

I didn't choose the Z-ARC way. The Z-ARC way chose me.

Pulled 3x Arcray irl and 3x OG Z-ARC in MD (in addition to the two copies I already had for Dinomorphia), so I made the deck anyway.

I wanted to try a build that is different from the usual Magician one, so I tried the Odd-Eyes-centric approach. I really want to summon Z-ARC every game.

This build is inspired by プレミ覇王【オッドアイズ】(Youtube). Check them out!

It can hard-summon Z-ARC via Astrograph on your first turn, so it is great for OTK. The goal is to set a board turn 1, usually consisting of Vortex, 4-mat Apollo, Baronne, Exceed, and scaled Z-ARC (with sometimes scaled Lightwurm for quick Supreme Clear Wing or Persona in grave to revive with Exceed during opp's turn). If you get Maxx "C"-ed, you can still pivot to a low-commit set-up by searching Soul with Gate Magician and/or Supreme Clear Wing set-up.

Copying Revolution via Supreme Starving Venom is very potent, but sadly, it never had its moment during my climb. I still need to figure out how to fully utilize Synchro Universe as well.

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Here is some showcase of the climb! I fumbled some combo in the first parts, but it became smoother at the end!
