
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 13th, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 270
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Usually starting combos by any 2 level 4 monster on the field then xyz caduceus. activate eff. banish sheratan to add lv. 4 caduceus. summon lv. 4 caduceus to add tellar cont. spell then xyz armor fortress using xyz caduceus. activate fortress to add 2 xyz armored card. "note you have to detach all xyz material or you cant xyz summon full armored lancer. activate cont. tellarknight spell to ss xyz caduceus to make m7 then downgrade to delteros. then you can link summon using delteros and lv. 4 caduceus to i:p. then you can abuse delteros by using xyz armored spell to equip it any monster that does leave the field. use lancer to get back xyz armored spell to use it again. remember to leave 2 level 4 monster before end the phase to make use of xyz armored trap to xyz summon abyss dweller and to use xyz armored trap card banish eff. check some of my replay... 849-330-004

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