
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 21st, 2024
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 420
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Got to level 17 last week, but held off playing more until the new missions arrived. Pre-level 17, the worst I had it was losing 3 games in a row in level 16 (was on my derank) before winning until I ranked up.

Once I hit level 17 though, even though it was a week into things, it felt like nothing went right. I'd open all handtraps, or I'd have weak openings with a Traptrix that didn't give me a +1 right away, Imperm, and whatnot.

One game I recall is when I had Sera + Holeutea + Called By + Strike + Belle (I might have had Garden.. maybe instead of Belle.. or maybe both.. that part is a bit blurry). My opponent opened with Fenrir, of which I used Strike on (Fenrir would be a pain no matter what, so I just wanted to get rid of it). They then played Wraitsoth and got Unicorn. I used Holeutea for Pudica to banish it. Shockingly (not really.. but it's always a gamble if you hit the Kash stuff first), it was Snake-Eye. I got to a point where I could have been alright.. but they had Belle for my Called By.. All the gas against a mid hand.

I really should stop being lazy (maybe a bit stubborn too) though and try out other variations lol

Luckily after my rough patch (which also included ranked, as I had just made it to Master 3 in my last stream and then lost 6 games in a row, so I'm stuck at the bottom of Master 5 currently there), things hopefully are looking up.. or at least as up as they can with how things are.

Ended up playing 42 games to get to level 20 (starting at level 12). In my last 20 games, I was 14-6. Take that for what you will.

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