Notes & Combos
Fairly smooth climb. Deck is pretty good against FKSE, main weakness is hand consistency and playing through multiple hand traps. Any deck that can set up a multi-negate end board is going to be a struggle to break.
Deck is essentially Bagooska turbo with Zebufera for interaction on turn one, and Duralume OTK for going second. Taking multiple monsters and having multiple spell/trap destructions with multiple bounces makes going first very strong.
I found Zeus and Selene to be the least used ED monsters. Zeus can be good for breaking boards and Selene is nice for climbing to Goddess for breaking towers, but I rarely if ever found I needed them. Could be flexxed for Lyna, or another Deralume etc.
ID: 974-515-552 for replays, newest 5 are from DLv19 climb.