
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 21st, 2024
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 390
42 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck has been made to be consistent by playing 1st AND Second.

Going first : Lock Combo with Fossil and Secret Village with Arktos and Avramax if you have the full combo. Second option if you take MAX C, you need to finish on Bagooska.

Going Second : A great pleasure to "dance" with cards for OTK 😃 Grand Duc combined to Field Spell is pretty clean for OTK.

Strengths :

  • Can force many negates and continue to have some plays.
  • No fear of Ash/Imper/Veiler/Call by
  • So many possibilities to play OTK/Control/Lock Weaknesses :
  • Max C is too dangerous for this deck 😢
  • Droll too
  • If you try to have a deck as good as first than second, you can have some difficulties to continue to play if Electrumite or Beyong the Pendulum are negated.


  • Majesty Pegasus and Secret Village can be easily removed. I never used them during the event.
  • Keep Dyna if you want to be able to play 1st AND Second but with the new meta Dyna carries only 2/5 times.
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Master Duel ID for replays (only replays from WCS) : 831-505-485