
WCS 2024 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on June 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 510
46 cards

Notes & Combos

EARTH POWER Turbo Bamboo or Earth Statue


  1. Normal Naturia Combo - Cricket --> Beast
  2. Awakening + 1 monster - Summon Awakening and dump Revival Golem (2 LVL 4 --> Gallant Granite --> Search Barrier)

I usually protect Barrier with Naturia Butterfly (summon via Cricket)

Since Vernusylph special summons, you could easily normal summon Bamboo.

Kashtiras are literally just for baiting ash cuz you lose hard to it

Nibiru is pretty nice in this deck because you could just use Vera to control it the next turn and go for OTK

You could put any monster in the extra deck, I don't usually summon anything besides the Naturia monsters and Black Luster Soldier.

IT took me a lot of time to reach DLV max with this

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ID: 985-030-519