
WCS Regional Qualifiers Win Streaks from on June 23rd, 2024
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Ping me in the Ursa channel if you have any questions!

The second stage is a nightmare lmao especially playing ursarctic right after I got my winstreak with this deck I switched right back to live twin spright

This deck can do pretty well in ranked if you know how to play ursa well enough and how to play through interuptions this list has brought me to diamond 3 so far and I havent played ranked since the second stage

deck didint do to well for me in the second stage since litreally all my matchups are FKSE,purrely etc and you have to play perfectly even if you do you often lose but deck definitely does much better in ranked for me

Explanations for cards: Shs stuff-wakasushi and motorbike are 1 card level 8 synchros for a early accel to go into baron to stop nib and also for any other level 8 synchro in the deck also dosent use up the normal summon so we can still NS a HT or whatever to continue combos and can pend summon ursa,kash etc monsters from our hand

Anti spell-just stops pend stuff since I was seeing a lot of that in the second stage and stops purrely which I was seeing a lot of

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some testing for the deck

full in depth video will be made soon whenever I feel like making it which will probably be in a week or two