
WCS Regional Qualifiers Win Streaks from on May 28th, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 810
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This list is what I used to winstreak into 12k points.

I kept going 2nd vs Floowandereeze and ridiculous tear end boards, so I put in Sphere Mode and Droll to stop them.

I added Zolga for fun and it is surprisingly nice being able to scout their deck for free and call out their next draw with Gravekeeper's Trap. Assuming I managed to get 2 bodies before locking into Madolche plays, I'd go Abyssal vs tear/GY spam and I:P vs anything else.

I still don't really know what to use as my last 2 slots for my Extra Deck to replace Aussa and Avramax. Neither were used and I don't have Unicorn/Accesscode.

From my last list, I cut Spright Elf, Vera, Pankratops, Skull Meister, Herald of Orange, and 1 Ash.

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