
Win Streaks from on April 22nd, 2023
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 810
60 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck go crazy with mills Resolve Grass = Game Basically do your best to get tear names in GY, along with shufflers, snow, diviner, stein, salvation, etc. Lvl 4 monsters is where this deck accels in making boards with dweller, or having to go into dugares, but your lvl 4s combined with diviner (normal summon or elf special summon) also allow you to go into Baronne Stein is only here for stun decks/extending and with ishizu you can tell what they're playing off of mill 5/10 Dangers are crazy at procing your tears while also setting bodies for curious to send anything (preferrably snow)/mill elf is good for stein and diviner, i usually summon this using merrli salvation engine is here bc you mill and you're most likely gonna mill salvation so you get a free field spell i felt that i was using diviner more throughout my time playing this so n'tss is here i dont have CP for Redoer so try to add it in destrudo pretty good if you target jackalope/tsuchinoko making it lvl 4, meaning you have access to xyz, synchro, curious uh make sure to have shufflers in GY before using ishizu millers...found that to be a big problem this deck can miss hard on trying to mill tears so curious, grass, danger draws, dugares draws, and millers are key to at least get rulkallos oh yeah i also dont have CP for triple tactics so replace ash with that... ok bye

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