Notes & Combos
Intro and feedback
After the Fenrir+Birth hit, i felt like the deck was dead. i never liked the idea or running the big Zoodiac engine, becase i wanted to see my kashtira cards/handtraps more ofter. Now i have been testing Sinful Spoils, which gives more options to the deck.
In general, is a very easy deck to use, heres some hints:
- Use this deck as a control/midrange.
- If you open more 1 or more extenders (Tearlaments/scareclaw/riseheart) + your fenrir, try to go for the double Shangri Ira in order to lock 5 zones in 1 turn.
- if you cant play with the Kashtira cards (wich can happen) and you can go for Diablestarr+ Drident, set the the Sinful Spoils Silvera, otherwise, if you have handtraps or you open with kashtira, set the wanted in order to keep in cycle the Diablestarr for the pluses (go for subversion if you need it, it can put pressure to your opponent when its set too.
- If you open double Zoodiac, always use the effect of Thoroughblade, unless you have nothing else and you can survive for the zeus play the next turn.
- I have opened with Shifter+MaxxC too many times. Always prioritize the use of Shifter, if they CBTG it, you can go for MaxxC later. When you open Shifter+ Wanted, sometimes i have been in the situation of chain shifter to my own wanted (which is not optimal, unless you can get rid of your Sinful Spoil cards in the grave for the +1). Sometimes trigger your own Shifter is great if you have play++CBTG/crossout in order to scout for the MaxxC.
- This deck, as any kashtira deck, isnt that good going second, unless you resolve your handtraps. This meta have too many decks with oppresive endboards, wich makes harder to deal with multiple negates, unless you can go for Zeus.
You can watch a few replays of this deck here:
i hope you like it :)