
Win Streaks from on February 26th, 2024
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

First of all i want to say that i went for a handtrap heavy list instead of one that is even more consistent in the FTK department because i enjoyed having a fighting chance even if i lost the dice roll. Furthermore, not playing Verns gave me space in the ED to play stuff like Baronne or Savage in case i couldn't FTK.

In addition i didn't play the Spright stuff in the ED to make Wakaushi a true 1 card FTK, in this list u also need a extra Lvl.4 (or Soulhorns), but the chance of u opening 4 HTs + Wakaushi and your opponent having 0 interruptions seem rather slim.

Instead of Lazuli, Lapis & GK Fusion u can easily play Garnets (or other 4 Star GKs) because ur normal line doesn't really take advantage of them, but i ran into a abnormal amount of situations where i could FTK if i had them so i ended up playing them (most of the time). Also the reason i'm on 2 Master Diamond.

Decided to play 3 Big Benkai because even at 2 it was glued to my hand, probably best to just run 1 esp because u could play Regulus and a 3rd Soulpiercer (until it's semi-limited :^)) instead.

Also decided to play 3 Quartz instead of 2, most of the time ur SHS lines would be interrupted at some point anyway so alrdy having it was not bad.

Last card i decided to play was Soulhorns, because it can make Masurawo a OTK + it's a free lvl 1 body for Maiden. Did only play like 10-20 games with it but it seemed rly good whenever it came up.

Finally, tried Koa'ki Meiru Guardian - seemed rly good if u don't need ur NS, but kinda useless otherwise. Worth considering for sure but probably better in vGems.

[6 Winstreak in Master 4]

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