Notes & Combos
This powerful combo Deck floats the board with a lot of Synchro monsters while maintaining an insane card advantage thanks to Runick Fountain. The main concept is using the Rose Dragon engine to float the board (Red Rose = 3 Tuner monsters). The win condition is establishing a board with a lot of interruptions, to then mill your opponent to death with the Runick cards. It's probably one of the funniest Decks I've ever played.
Baronne de Fleur is a valuable protection for Fountain, while Chengying has a crazy synergy with the Runick cards.
Cerburrel + Hugin makes Cupid Pitch, Cupid + Geri makes a 10, you search Creation Resonator, which can extend more.
Red Rose + Hugin makes Librarian, Red summons Roxrose who grabs Basal Rose Shoot. Rox + Munin can make Coral, Coral + Geri can make a 10. You draw three cards, you can use BRS to extend more.
Shooting Riser can be easily summoned with Geri + a 3. It gives you access to Snow as a follow-up, and can make Zeta in the opponent's turn with Snow. His level modulation effect opens up a lot of different plays; you can dump Cerburrel to make a 10 with TG.
Croco is huge, especially when you make it with 2 non-tuner monsters. It adds more draw power to the Deck and adds more value to your board, being a quick pop.
I rarely summon Pepega Ruler but can be really cool to unbrick your hand, since it mills Runick cards and can search Cerburrel, which is a good extender if you have a Fountain left in Deck.